Thursday, February 20, 2014

Treating Cold, Cough and Flu, Naturally.

Tuesday I mentioned how I was boosting my daughter’s immunity due to a few sneezes and coughs…I’m happy to report it is under control using all the recommendations I gave you then! I’m still keeping an eye on it, and in the meantime…following the prevention tips so it doesn’t manifest into something bigger.

And that’s the key to natural remedies…
you need to become very aware of how you feel and any symptoms or changes in your children.
Children probably won’t say “I’m coming down with something, or I’m not feeling great” but we can become pretty receptive if they are whinny, restless at night, not hungry, and like my daughter, a simple sneeze or cough!

For adults, you need to be very conscious about your body, and if something doesn’t feel right- tired, low energy, scratchy throat, achy body, etc… kick into “immune boosting mode”, it definitely won’t hurt!

Natural remedies work best at the ONSET of symptoms, the earlier you catch it, the better. I will go into detail for each symptom or condition, like ear infections, sore throat, fever…so for some viruses or bacteria, you may need a combination of all.

First of all...WHAT TO EAT when sick?

Yellow colored fruits and vegetables are rich in beta carotene and antioxidants. Both aid in the correct functioning of the lungs. Add spinach to soup and papaya and berries to a green smoothie. Hot foods also kill bacteria. Eating spicy foods like peppers, jalapeño and chilies can actually help get rid of the unwanted bacteria. The heat also helps congested mucus to become thin.

Enzyme rich food, like kiwi and pineapple, 
can break down your phlegm. Onions and Garlic are also good to eat, they have many properties that help ward off infections. I had a sitter from Ecuador that told me her mother would have her swallow a raw garlic clove every time they got sick!

Light meals like brown rice and steamed vegetables (topped with chopped raw garlic), fresh orange slices, pomegranates, freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice in water, green smoothies or juices with ginger, miso soup, and the best... chicken soup with your homemade broth.  I think a homemade chicken soup with a lot of vegetables, fresh garlic, ginger, rosemary, oregano and thyme is one of the best medicines for the flu!

Avoid fried foods. Fried and oily foods tend to increase the natural production of sputum in the chest.
Avoid dairy. Dairy is mucus forming and in many cases inflammatory, so it is best avoided when sick.
Avoid processed foods and sugar. Sugar and refined carbohydrates use up your body's stores of vitamins and minerals to metabolize the sugars—the very same nutrients your immune system needs to function properly!

Ear infections can be prevented with good nutrition, and if your child does happen to get one, it can be easily treated with home remedies. My daughter has never gotten one (so far!) but I’ve heard of these remedies being successful in treating it.

Garlic Mullein Ear Oil (an olive oil infusion). Only a few drops in each ear until the infection goes away. Check your local health food store. There are a number of good brands. I have this one from Herb Pharm on hand, just in case!

Onion Ear Muff. Cut an onion in half and take out all but the outer two rings. Place it on a cookie sheet and bake it at 350 degrees until warm. Use a light dishtowel to hold it against the ear. The chemicals in the onion gas increase circulation to the ear and help to rid it of bacteria.

Vitamin C. For children, in liquid form, mix it in a glass of water, coconut water, or freshly squeezed orange juice (not pasteurized juice!).  Or try a food based chewable. For adults, try high dose of vitamin C.

Aching muscles, joint pain, fatigue, chills, coughing, congestion....these are all signs of the flu. All you want to do is curl up in bed? There are a few things you can do to shorten the duration and lessen the intensity of the influenza virus.

Supplements.  Vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin C. I also like Zinc lozenges with Echinacea.

Herbs. Astragalus, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Andrographis, Licorice Root, Lemon Balm, and fresh Ginger. Elderberry syrup (like Sambucus) can also be very effective for an upper respiratory flu, but you need to begin taking it when your symptoms first come on!

Homeopathic. Oscillococcinum works amazing at the first signs of symptoms.
Steam. Take a hot, steamy shower or sit in a steam room. You can also fill a large bowl with boiling hot water, add a few drops of tea tree oil, rosemary, or eucalyptus, and lean over the bowl with a towel draped over your head to breath in the steam and antiviral essential oils.

Rest, sleep, rest! and start as SOON as you don’t feel well.  One of the worst mistakes is to think you only have a few sniffles, so you’ll go workout… or sending your kid to school when he/she really needs the rest; and I KNOW that’s a hard one for us as parents, we have jobs and lives, but this one day when he or she starts not feeling well, may save you a few days off school later on!

Neti Pot. this uses a saline solution to flush out the sinuses. It is best done a few times a day during acute illness. You can probably find a Neti Pot at your local health food store. Watch YouTube videos on how to use them, once you get used to it, it is very effective!

Fevers are a good thing. You read me right! They are a natural response of your immune system to fight infections.  Unless the fever is very high (generally above 104 degrees F), there shouldn’t be any reason to use over-the-counter drugs to bring it down.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Sudafed, Benadryl, Robitussin, TheraFlu, Vick's Nyquil) is usually what most people use as soon as they get sick, especially for their children, but did you know that these drugs actually deplete glutathione levels?
What does that mean? Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant that's produced from three amino acids (cysteine, glutamic acid, & glycine) in the liver and elsewhere. When glutathione levels drop, the body's immune cells cannot function properly.

Stay Hydrated! This is the most important thing to do if you or your child has a fever. Drink a few quarts of pure filtered water every day. Coconut water is very hydrating, so drink up! Children might not want to drink a lot, so try making popsicles with coconut water,  unpasteurized, fresh orange juice, and water.

Herbs. Tulsi (Holy Basil) tea is very effective with fevers and flus. Ginger, cinnamon, yarrow, peppermint, and chamomile work very well too.

Rest, rest, and rest some more!


Honey. Has many bactericidal properties and can be effectively used to cure a chest congestion. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which kills off the bacteria and decongests the chest to aid normal breathing. It also decreases the irritation of the throat and helps in reducing cough. Use local, raw honey.

Homeopathic. I like Boiron products, they have a "Chestal Cough Relief" for adults, and for children that work very well; (or you can make your own cough syrup, see recipe at bottom of page!)

Hydration, again! When you have chest congestion, it is generally advised that you drink a lot of fluids. Water is useful in flushing out toxins from the body and therefore water should be used so that harmful bacteria are flushed out from the system. When your body is hydrated properly, the mucous in the chest gets softened and is easily coughed out.

Eucalyptus oil.
This reminds me of my grandma, she always used to put Vicks Vaporub in my feet and chest if I had a cold. This might be the best cough remedy, works like a charm!- grandma was right (again)!

I recommend using Eucalyptus oil instead, as Vicks has other yucky stuff I don’t like. Take about 1 tspn of a carrier oil (like olive oil or coconut oil) in the palm of your hand and mix in 4-6 drops of Eucalyptus oil on it. Rub the mixed oil on the sole of each feet before bedtime, and put socks on.
You can also use an oil diffuser to turn the oil into vapors. Inhale these vapors to clear the nasal pathways. Once your nasal pathways are clear, you will at least be able to breathe properly.

During the cold, dry winter months, sleep with a humidifier to thin out the mucus in the chest, BUT make sure this is clean!!  The last thing you need is to breathe moldy air!


Soothing Teas. Licorice Root, Marshmallow Root (best extracted by cold infusion), Slippery Elm, and Mint.

Salt Gargle. Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in 8 ounces (1 cup) of warm water. Use it to gargle with every one to two hours.

Honey, again. Honey is very soothing for the throat.  Have a small teaspoon of raw honey. It has many other health benefits, as seen under “Cough and Chest Congestion”.

!!!Common sense CAUTION!!!
If you have questions or concerns about yours or your child’s condition you should contact a medical doctor or qualified health care provider like an acupuncturist or naturopath.

 Coughing may be due to another more serious illness. If a cough comes on suddenly with high fever, restlessness, difficulty breathing, wheezing, lethargy, chest tightness and/or difficulty swallowing your child may need immediate medical attention. If a lingering cough is associated with wheezing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing it may be a sign of asthma. Rarely, but sometimes, a chronic cough may be caused by tuberculosis.

Hope this all helps! I leave you with a little recipe to make your own Homemade Cough Syrup, and... Be Well!!

Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup with Coconut Oil

3 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup local raw honey – where to buy honey
2 tablespoons coconut oil – where to buy coconut oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a small saucepan and heat over low until coconut oil is melted. Take warm syrup by the spoonful as desired. You can also mix the syrup into hot water or tea.

Once the syrup is cooled the coconut oil will harden. Gently warm the syrup up before using. Store in refrigerator for up to a month.

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