Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Travel- Healthy Eating out the Window?

Last week I made a very sudden, overnight decision- and Best.One.Ever- to go to Puerto Rico for the week and visit family and friends to escape the (second of the year) polar vortex in Chicago.

While there, I figured I'd pay attention to my healthy (and/or not-so-healthy) habits and blog about how to eat during travel, especially family visits.

Do you have to throw your healthy eating habits out the window? Should you try and find a "health food store", stock up on organic fruits and vegetables, and make yourself meals at home? Where do you find the balance? What to do?!?

I find healthy eating extremely difficult in my beautiful little island of fried foods, excessive meat eating and alcoholic drinking, and minimum vegetable consumption.  However, among all this...there is health!

Here are some things I've learned through years of traveling and through my health coach (hint: not necessarily nutrition) training:

  1. Eat Healthy When You Can.
    So it might not be not all be organic, but you can find some vegetables in your mother's refrigerator and make yourself vegetables with an egg for breakfast.  Just be creative and work with what's there.  Same goes with going out to dinner....it is your choice what you order after all, and I'm sure there is almost always at least a semi-healthy choice!

  2. Enjoy Your Mother's Food.
    Or you grandma's, aunt, dad, or whoever's food you long for. The day we arrived my mom had her delicious "arroz con habichuelas y bistec encebollao" (rice and beans with caramelized onion beef), and a slice of fresh avocado on the side. I enjoyed EVERY BITE OF IT, without ANY resentment or guilt whatsoever.  This is home after all, and the food I grew up with, so while it might not be deemed healthy to my body, it is healthy to my soul.

  3. Eat Local.
    First thing I asked my dad was "what's in season here?" for which he replied "the oranges are good now".  The first street vendor I saw I bought some local oranges- they were sweet and different from what I find in Chicago, so it is always fun to experiment and eat what's in season where you are.

  4. Don't Forget the Other Forms of Nourishment!

    Last but not least, there is more to health than diet and nutrition.  I was OUTSIDE- in a beautiful warm, sunny, beach!  I spent time with old friends, and laughed- A LOT. I had quality time with my mom and dad and felt their love and caring that I miss so much.  I saw my daughter giggle, laugh, play with the waves, practice her Spanish, and be friends with my childhood friends' kids. I met my best friend's new baby.
    This all nourished my heart in a way carrot or broccoli never can!

So, next time you travel- don't worry too much about your diet.  Do your best, and be aware about the other forms of nourishment!


  1. Food for the soul - nothing better - glad you had a great trip!
