Monday, July 7, 2014

Do you get a sad feeling when back from vacation?

Hello again, I'm back!

After a fabulous two week vacation, it's been hard- and sad- coming back.

My vacay started in Puerto Rico for my high school class 20 year reunion, followed by a girl's weekend with my crazy high school girlfriends in beautiful Villa MontaƱa Beach Resort in Isabela, PR.

We had a blast! remembering old, care-free, and fun times; laying in the sun; laughing around a bonfire; and yes...drinking... I will admit LOTS of drinking was involved.

Later I went to St. John in the US Virgin Islands with my family, my parents, my brother and his family, and my sister's kids.  What an amazing time we had!

We have been going to St. John every summer for 25 years, since 1989 when my parents got a time share villa in what is now the Westin Resort.  I've probably been 20 out of the 25 summers, and I must say- I DO NOT GET TIRED.  It is to me! Completely mindless- our biggest decisions of the day are "what beach are we going?" and "what are we eating and drinking?".

Oooh the beaches.... they are the MOST beautiful I have ever seen- white sands, clear blue waters, and lush green mountains that surround the beach to set and even more incredible scenery.

So of course it would be hard to come back from vacations! I looked at my desk- full of mail, hundreds of emails unread and unattended, bills to pay, studying to do, unpacking, laundry, grocery store run- work, work, work to be done.

There was sadness in me for the past two days, but I've been practicing mindfulness and gratitude. Last night, as I picked up my forgotten-for-2-weeks gratitude journal, I opened it and saw all the things I was listing as been grateful for right before I left, and of course, the last one was "going on vacation".

So, shouldn't I come back and say "I am grateful for the awesome vacation I just had" and be happy for it?

Yes!... so today, I decided to approach this sadness with gratitude.

Gratitude for a fabulous vacation...
Gratitude for seeing my friends and sharing with them an unforgettable reunion and weekend...
Gratitude that me and my family remained healthy during the whole two weeks...
Gratitude for spending time with my family...
Gratitude for seeing my daughter play, laugh, and enjoy the company of her cousins...
Gratitude for the amazing setting I was able to enjoy...

The more I think about it, I can go on and on.... and this way... a deep, sincere, and happy smile is showing up on my face. :)

If you are just coming back or will be heading to vacation this Summer, don't forget to be grateful for it.


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