Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Letter To Generation Z Moms

Dear Mothers

As a Health Coach, I will work (and currently work) with a lot of women- many and most of them mothers like you and me. I've come to realize that today we feel unnecessary stress over parenting.  I don’t mean the kind of stress if your child gets sick, financial stress, or the fear of something happening to them- I call this the “natural stress”.  I’m talking about the “OMG we are ruining our children and their WHOLE generation!!!” stress.

This I believe, is largely due to the enormous amounts of information we receive in the form of (I’m sure well-intentioned) articles, Facebook posts, even books about what we, as apparently a whole generation, are doing WRONG.

You know, the ones that say we:

Are spoiling them
Make them feel entitled
Protect them too much
Over schedule them
Solve their problems 
Make them the center of our lives
..or make them feel “special”…

I’m not here to talk about my parenting style or defend one thing over the other, but I want to make YOU, fellow mothers of my generation, feel good on this Mother’s Day week, and perhaps ease some of that stress that can be a heavy burden to your health.

Think about it… did our parents and grandparents do better than we do? We don’t have ANY issues? Wow!...
Oh no that’s right, it’s the French kids that are perfect!

Call me crazy but…I think if we LOVE our children.  RESPECT them.  TAKE CARE of them and DO OUR BEST every day, our children will be fine, actually they will be GREAT.

Will they have to deal with this or that? I am sure they will. But so have I.  And my mother for that matter.

Lastly... remember every younger generation has been criticized by the ones who came before it... and vice versa. Did you know the Baby Boomers are actually the “entitled generation”??

What??... I rest my case.

With Love,

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