Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My 21-Day Challenge- Will you join me??

As we approach May I want to invite you to enter a little challenge with me...

A 21-day MEDITATION challenge.

WAIT!!! Don't go!!

Before you close the page at the thought of "meditation" and your perception of it, PLEASE stay with me.  At least finish reading and see what you think.

I hate meditation. I hate sitting still. My mind just goes too much. But I also know meditation is exactly what I need. And if you are like me, trust me, it is for you too.

In the past I've struggled with some anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, and what today they would probably diagnose as ADD, but while I feel much better these days regarding these, the time I've felt my BEST was between 9-11 years ago when I was meditating daily... and consistently.

My mind felt focused; I had more patience. I was not reacting but looking at things from a "step back" or what they call your "inner self".  I was very aware of myself, of my every little bit of self, and it felt incredible.

I was more in control of myself and felt happier and more peaceful than I have ever felt.

I'd love to be back there, I really do.  But I know the only way is sitting in that meditation mat and doing the work.

And ironically, once I start and get in a routine it feels like the best 20 minutes of my day.


What to Do?
Meditate EVERY day for 21 days. Why 21 days? Because they say it takes 21 days to create a habit, so I'm sticking to that to create my new habit.

Start Date?

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

How long?
Start with 5 minutes for a couple of days, then go up to 10 minutes for about 5 days, gradually increasing and reaching 15 to 20 minutes a day. The key is to do something, so if you think some days are going to just be 5 or 10 minutes, that is fine, but DO IT EVERY DAY!

How do I Meditate?

  • Sit on a cushion, pillow or rolled blanket in a comfortable crossed legged position.  Rest your hands in your knees; palms up or down, don't worry too much about your position, but do try to feel comfortable.
  • You may want to wear a sweater or socks if the area is cold as your body will cool off by siting still.
  • Try to do it when you know it will be quieter in your home, office, or wherever you are going to meditate.
  • Close your eyes, and let your breath be.  Do not manipulate it to breathe deeper or shallower, just let the breath be. Observe your breath as the air comes in and as it flows out.
  • Your mind will THINK. DO NOT try to stop it.  It won't happen- the nature of the mind is to think and this is the key reason why most people get frustrated with meditation. When the mind wanders just bring your attention back to your breath.

That is all you will do for 15-20 minutes.  Again. It is NOT about stopping the mind from thinking.

Meditation is about exercising your mind and bringing it back to YOU, through your breath, rather than letting your thoughts control your mind. Slowly, and with practice, it will silence itself, your mind will be quieter and your inner self will surface.

Through meditation you will learn that you are NOT your thoughts, and will find this inner self, inner wisdom, intuition, (or whatever you want to call it!) that perhaps you've never known before, and everything will be clearer.

But please keep in mind it takes work, lots of work, so don't expect major revelations on your first, second, even third meditation day.  It comes with time and effort, and thus the purpose of this challenge. 

So, what do you think?
Are you up for the challenge to a more focused, productive, calm, peaceful, aware, loving and compassionate YOU?!?!  I promise you a great, and perhaps transformational, experience. Let me know if you are, I really hope so.

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