Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jello (Gelatin) and It's Amazing Health Benefits

Yes, Jello... the sugar and chemical laden food of hospitals, cafeterias, and our childhood. It actually has health benefits. Weeeell... let me get this clear.  NOT the “Jell-O” you can buy in stores which  is packed with sugar and artificial flavors and colors, along with gelatin from conventional animals fed a poor diet.

I'm talking easy, made in 5 minutes, 3 ingredients, homemade Jello! 

This has been my new kick for a sweet treat as I just discovered a ridiculously easy recipe and the amazing health benefits of gelatin. And the best part- my daughter is LOVING it too! :)

But, don't we get it in our diets??
We used to. Traditional diets are typically much higher in gelatin than our modern diets. These cultures wisely practiced eating the whole animal and thus the parts that are high in gelatin- such as skin, tendons, and other gelatinous cuts of meat. But not us! we do the skinless, boneless these days and consider that healthy.

We’ve lost the practice of whole-animal eating, this means that we’re eating a lot less gelatin than our ancestors, if any at all.

And, why should we eat gelatin?  
Consider these health benefits:

1. Gelatin balances out your meat intake.
Muscle meats and eggs are high in methionine, an amino acid that raises homocysteine levels in the blood and increases our need for homocysteine-neutralizing nutrients like vitamins B6, B12, folate, and choline.

We don’t want high homocysteine in our blood because homocysteine is a significant risk factor for serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, mental illness, and fractures. (This might even explain why researchers sometimes find a correlation between high meat intake and various diseases.)

Those eating lots of animal protein need adequate glycine to balance out the methionine from meat, and you’ll get that from gelatin!

2. Gelatin heals your gut.
Oh you've heard me talk about a healthy gut enough. Gelatin can improve gut integrity and digestive strength by enhancing gastric acid secretion and restoring a healthy mucosal lining in the stomach; low stomach acid and an impaired gut barrier are two common digestive problems in our modern society. Gelatin also absorbs water and helps keep fluid in the digestive tract, promoting good intestinal transit and healthy bowel movements.

Gelatin-rich soups and broths are also one of the key components of the GAPS diet, which has been designed to heal the gut and promote healthy digestion. And healthy intestinal cells prevent leaky gut, which is often at the root of many food intolerances, allergies, inflammatory conditions, and autoimmune diseases.

3. Gelatin makes your skin healthy and beautiful.
Who doesn't want that, right?? Gelatin is a known promotor of skin health. Gelatin provides glycine and proline, two amino acids that are used in the production of collagen. Collagen is one of the primary structural elements of skin, so providing the building blocks for this important protein can ensure that your body is able to create enough of it. You've probably heard or used collagen creams and while great, collagen is not as easily ingested by skin. A diet rich in gelatin may also protect against the aging effects of sunlight, preventing wrinkles in the future.

4. Gelatin protects your joints.
Body builders have been using gelatin for decades to help improve joint health and reduce inflammation. And research shows that athletes who took a hydrolyzed collagen supplement experienced less pain in their joints, which could help improve performance for athletes and competitive fitness buffs. If you exercise a lot, eating gelatin can help keep your joints healthy and pain-free.

Also, if you have inflammatory joint or bone diseases like arthritis or osteoporosis, getting adequate gelatin can potentially help you manage inflammation and pain in your joints, and build stronger bones.

5. Gelatin helps you sleep.
Glycine from gelatin has been found to help with sleep. One study found that 3 grams of glycine given to subjects before bedtime produced measurable improvements in sleep quality.

Glycine is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which can decrease anxiety and promote mental calmness. This is because glycine antagonizes norepinephrine, a stress hormone which causes feelings of anxiety and panic. Gelatin can thus help keep you calm and sleeping through the night.

How to Eat More Gelatin
The traditional way to get gelatin is from skin, gelatinous meats, and bone broths. Gelatin is only found in animal foods that come from the body of the
animal itself.

If you avoid bones, animal skin or are vegetarian or vegan, I recommend getting a high-quality gelatin powder to add to food or to create yummy, healthy gelatinous desserts. Gelatin is also somewhat more environmentally-friendly than lean meat because it uses parts of the animal that might not be used otherwise.

A great brand of gelatin is Great Lakes, which comes from grass-fed animals. It’s available in both hydrolyzed and whole form; each type has its own health benefits.

Hydrolyzed means the protein is broken into individual amino acids, making them easier to absorb. Use this type to improve skin and joint health or get better sleep. Hydrolyzed gelatin can be mixed into any type of liquid, including cold liquids, so it can be added to cold smoothies or juices easily. It also is great as a real food protein powder.

Whole protein gelatin is better for improving gut health. It helps carry fluid through the intestines, and can even coat the lining of the digestive tract as a soothing and protective layer. This is the type used to make gummies or jello snacks, and must be mixed into warm liquids.

Ready to make Jello?? 

Serves: 4-6

  • 1½ cups of organic or freshly juiced fruit juice of choice* (grape, orange apple)
  • ¼ cup cool water
  • ¼ cup hot (almost boiling) water
  • 1 tablespoon of Whole Gelatin Powder (Great Lakes is a good brand).
  • 1-2 cups of fresh fruit* (optional) - Strawberries, blueberries, apples and orange slices are all really good

Note: Can double recipe.

  1. Pour the cool water in a large mixing cup or quart sized mason jar and add the gelatin powder.
  2. Stir briskly until mixed- it will start to thicken a lot.
  3. Add the ¼ cup of really hot water and stir to mix- it should be thinner now.
  4. Combine this with the juice and mix well.
  5. Put the fruit into the container that you are going to make the jello in. 8x8 baking dishes work well.
  6. Pour the jello mixture over the fruit and stir lightly to make sure it has coated the fruit too.
  7. Put in the fridge, covered, for at least 2 hours or overnight, and serve.
  8. Can cut into cubes or scoop out with a melon spoon to make cute shapes.

*Pineapples and fresh pineapple juice have enzymes that won’t let the gelatin set and thus will be runny. I would avoid pineapples for this recipe!

Adapted from: Wellness Mama Blog


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