Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Are you Fed Up?

I surely am. But I am very grateful for this incredible documentary exposing how the food industry (in collaboration with government) have such a big role in promoting unhealthy diets.

This is finally going mainstream!

Fed Up is the new film by Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar-wining producer of An Inconvenient Truth) and director Stephanie Soechtig, showing in theaters all over the nation.

It opened up last Friday but I haven't seen it yet. I am super excited to have been invited next week to a private screening in Chicago honoring the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It will be followed by a panel discussion with CSPI Founder and Executive Director- Michael Jacobson, CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy- Margo Wootan and Representative Robyn Gabel. These guys have done amazing work in bringing some important food policy changes in government, so it will be very interesting to hear what they have to say.

So while I haven't seen it, the reviews (even by movie critics), have been raving!

These are some of the reviews and comments I've read...

By Dr. Mark Hyman (I’m a huge fan!)

It is a powerful indictment of how the food industry hooks us on addictive processed foods laden with hidden sugars. And through a scathing history of how the food industry has influenced policy, marketing and behavior.

Government agricultural subsidies, food programs (WIC -- Women, Infant and Children nutrition, school lunch, SNAP or Food Stamps, etc.), FDA (Food and Drug Administration) policies (approving HFCS and artificial sweeteners as GRAS), and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) policies (allowing $30 billion of junk food marketing mostly to kids), directly results in our obesity and chronic disease burden.

Read full article here...

By Marion Nestle (another awesome person in the nutrition and food politics world!)

The movie Fed Up, a documentary hard-hitting exposé of the food industry’s role in promoting unhealthy diets and childhood obesity. It spares nothing in showing the devastating effects of obesity on kids.

It is especially tough on food company marketing and industry-sponsored research.  

Read full article here...

Even Rolling Stones magazine wrote a review about it!

Few workout regimens, including Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" program, get at the root of the problem – that exercise without diet won't get you very far. Another myth busted is the panacea of low-fat foods. Here's just one dirty little secret: as fat is removed from food products the manufacturers replace it with sugar to improve the taste and keep us all addicted. Junk food = junkie America.

Read full article here...

Want more??

I'll be sharing my own review and recommendations after watching the film next week, can't wait! I hope you get to see it too, and please let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the viewing was awesome! I think I've convinced Noah to go with me Tuesday night!
