Thursday, December 5, 2013

H2Oh so good!

If you live in Chicago and have seen me around, you've met my Klean Kanteen water bottle! I'm always carrying it around and drinking my water, since I've learned how extremely important water is for you.  DRINK MORE WATER! is usually my first advice to a new client. Here's why...

Water Content in our Body
On the average, water makes up 60-70% of your body weight. The range is due to the fact that different cells contain different amounts of water. Muscle cells, for example, are 70-75% water whereas fat cells are only 10-15% water. Therefore, a muscular person will have a larger percentage of his/her body weight coming from water. Check out this picture with all the amazing work of water in our body.

Loss of Water and Dehydration
Our bodies are constantly losing water. The most obvious way is through daily urine output but also through our skin, respiration and feces. Also, if you exercise, you sweat. Studies of athletes have shown sweat losses of 2 quarts per hour while exercising! 

Effects of Dehydration
When the body is dehydrated it draws needed water from the fluids in and out of the cells, compromising their ability to function. Overall, dehydration endangers two serious metabolic processes of the body that are the main causes of many disorders caused by dehydration. (By the way...when you feel thirst or dry mouth, you are already technically dehydrated.)

These are:

  1. Enzymatic slowdown. Enzymes, which perform many functions in the body, are least efficient in thick and concentrated body fluids (dehydrated).  This slowdown eventually paralyzes all the body’s activity, as production of energy, hormones, immunity, etc..
  2. Autointoxication. Waste produced by cells cannot be eliminated effectively without water to help evacuate, making the body toxic, which is the starting point for every illness. 

How Much Water Do I Need?
  • About 64 oz per day- it’s a good rule of thumb, but not perfect. When you add exercise and hot weather, your fluid needs increase significantly. However, if you drink other liquids like tea, eat soups and lots of fruits, your needs might be less. Honestly, I don't like saying a "number of ounces" nor I use one for myself (there are also effects of "over drinking" water), but somewhere around 64 oz is probably right.
  • Exercise and athletes- Water needs are also related to how many calories you burn daily. You need about 1 ml of water for every calorie you burn. So, if you're very active and burn 3000-4000 calories per day, you would need 3-4 liters of water (13-17 cups)!
  • Consider water in foods- You do get some fluids from foods you eat (especially fruits and vegetables), and from non-caffeinated beverages (fruit juice, milk, vegetable juice, herbal teas). Remember caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics and contribute to dehydration.

Tips for Adding Water to Your Daily Routine
  • Have a glass of water before, or after, your meals (not TOO much during a meal as it dilutes enzymes needed to break down food).
  • Drink a glass of water at regular times during the day, such as first thing in the morning.
  • Get yourself a 27oz water bottle (like my Klean Kanteen! or Sigg) and make sure to drink at least 2 of those. Perhaps one before noon, and another in the afternoon.
  • Take a sip of water as you pass a water fountain!
  • Drink water before and after being outside on a hot or cold day.
  • Add a lime or lemon to a tall glass of ice water for a flavor twist!
  • Fill up a big (ideally 64 oz) jar of water and make a point of finishing it before the day is over.
  • Drink herbal teas. These are not only warming, but the herbs are great for you, and it adds up to your water count!

Quality of Water: Avoid FLUORIDE in tap water!

-Calcifies the pineal gland- linked to early puberty, infertility, and even cancer.
-Damages thyroid gland
-May cause arthritic symptoms

Best is Spring water (NOT bottled!- Best to avoid plastics containing BPA).
  • Reverse Osmosis filter, BUT it removes almost ALL the minerals in water; good or bad so replenish trace minerals by adding 5-7 drops of Essential Trace Minerals for 8 oz glass.
  • Alumina Filter- not as powerful as RO, but will remove fluoride
  • Brita and charcoal DOES NOT remove fluoride.
Cheers! Drink up... for your health!

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